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Tıbbi Ürün Tanıtım ve Satış Temsilcisi (Genel Tedaviler İş Birimi İst.And.)

ID:  1366
Date of Posting:  Feb 12, 2025
Business Area:  Sales & Marketing
Job Type:  Direct Employee
On site / Remote / Hybrid:  Remote

Istanbul, TR

Full-Time or Part-Time:  Full Time
Seniority:  Mid-senior

With its beginnings in a family run pharmacy in Correggio, Italy in the 1920s, Recordati is now a global pharmaceutical company, listed on the Italian stock exchange, with over 4,500 employees and turnover of over Euro 2bn.

We are a group of like-minded, passionate individuals who go to extraordinary lengths for our patients, customers, partners, investors and the people across the globe who we serve. We develop and commercialise medicines to serve people living with common diseases, as well as those living with some of the rarest, in around 150 countries.

At Recordati, our mantra is simple. We’ve always believed that health, and the opportunity to live life to the fullest, is a right, not a privilege. Whether that is for common diseases or the rarest – we want to give people the opportunity to be the best version of themselves.

This drive will never stop. Together, we will always be reimagining tomorrow – with new ideas, new technologies and new innovations to fight diseases.

Recordati. Unlocking the full potential of life.


Bölge Müdürü’ne bağlı olarak, sorumlu olduğu bölgelerde doktor ve eczanelere firmamız ürün yelpazesindeki ürünlerin düzenli ziyaretlerle, belirlenen hedef ve stratejiler doğrultusunda tanıtımını ve satışını yapacak “TIBBİ ÜRÜN TANITIM VE SATIŞ TEMSİLCİSİ” adayları aramaktayız.


  • Tercihen Üniversite mezunu, 
  • İlaç sektöründe benzer pozisyonda en az 3 yıl ve üzeri deneyimli (kardiyoloji, üroloji ürünlerinde ve kronik pazarda çalışmış)
  • ÜTE sertifikasına sahip,
  • MS Office programlarını etkin kullanabilen,
  • İletişim becerisi yüksek, insan ilişkilerinde başarılı, aktif, dinamik,
  • Takım çalışmasına yatkın,
  • Hedef ve satış odaklı çalışan,
  • Sürücü belgesine sahip ve aktif araç kullanabilen,
  • Seyahat engeli bulunmayan,
  • Erkek adaylar için askerlik görevini tamamlamış.

At Recordati we believe in people! Inspired by our purpose - unlocking the full potential of life - we are committed to creating a diverse environment and cultivating a culture of inclusion. We strive to continually lead with our values and beliefs, enabling our employees to bring their whole selves to work and develop their potential.

We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We recruit, develop and reward without regard to, amongst others, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, physical or mental ability, race, ethnicity, political or religious belief.

If you are looking to join a company where you can try new things, speak openly, and be bold, we invite you to apply today.

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